About Us
Meet our Founder

Dr. David Nelson
Founder & President
Dr. David Nelson is the President and Founder of Crossing Cultures International (CCI) based in the Tampa, FL area. Although the ministry was officially founded in 2006, the genesis of the vision for the ministry goes back to 1986 when David began as a Church Planter planting churches in Asia. This has now expanded to six continents and about forty nations.
God has used David to be the catalyst in training of more than 20,000 leaders - pastors, lay people and business leaders - who are taught and equipped in the Bible but also to become multipliers in their own nations. David has been at the forefront of teaching and equipping many leaders from their own nations rather than relying primarily on missionaries from the West to advance the Gospel. This strategy bridges huge language, cultural and financial barriers so that the Good News can accelerate.
David did his doctoral work at Liberty University and is the author of various books. He is married to Mindy and is the father of two children and has 6 grandchildren.
Book Release
David Nelson’s new book Multiply: Building an Enduring Ministry has been released.
God has not only created us with the ability to multiply through having children, he has also given us the power to multiply disciples who multiply disciples through the preaching of the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit. In Genesis and Acts, we read how God enabled man to multiply biologically and spiritually. We read how the number of disciples greatly increased and multiplied during the era of the early church. In his book, Dr. David Nelson, explains eight principles for building a ministry of multiplication. These biblically based principles will empower you to see a solid ministry that will grow into a ministry that multiplies disciple makers.