From Pastor D:
My wife and I are praising God as we write to you! My family is doing well. My eldest daughter is now 20 years old and enrolled as a nursing student. God is good!
We continue discipleship training each week as this ministry exceeds my expectations. The students are feeling inspired through the Word of God. Therefore, they are going out and many have shared publicly the Gospel. Churches have begun to take note of their willingness, boldness, and their training. This has led to reaching more people. Some of us have come together to make a biblical comic book which we use as we gather the youth in 10 areas. We have an evangelical purpose to share the Gospel and disciple the people.
I did not know biblical training could stimulate the people so much! In Bangladesh we are seeing great growth and we hope that it encourages you! Thank you kindly for your partnership, those who give and pray for us. For the others, please consider this ministry because God is touching the people’s hearts. Covering more areas + reaching more people = more cost. The people are ready to receive the pure Gospel. With your commitment we can be the instrument that God continually uses to accomplish this.