Central America: First Graduations in Guatemala!

God has done some amazing things in Central America over the past three years, which have finally come to fruition. We started our first class in Coatepeque, Guatemala, three years ago with 12 students. Within three months, we started our second class in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. In June, both of these classes graduated. These are Crossing Cultures International‰’s first classes to graduate in all of Central America. Eighteen (18) students completed all 10 books, have graduated, and are ready to start classes of their own. This is an amazing feat, especially since these classes were started during the pandemic. Most of their classes were completed under the pandemic protocols of the Guatemalan Government.

God is also blessing the work in Belize and Honduras. In Belize, we have two classes with 15 students. The class in Belize City has completed Book #3, and the class in South Belize will start Book #2 this month. There are also two classes in Honduras, one in San Pedro Sula and one in El Progresso. The class in El Progresso has 20 students and has completed Book #2.

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