From The President: Beyond Boundaries: Making Disciples Across Indochina’s Cultures

Earlier this year, we shared with you our plan for 2024, which is to multiply, based on Acts 6:7, which says that ‰”the word of God continued to increase, and the number of disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem.‰” Our strategy for multiplication is through equipping, empowering, and evangelizing. We equip leaders through solid content and the discipleship relationship. We empower coordinators to oversee classes. Equipped leaders share the gospel.

Previously, we focused on the Philippines, India, and Nepal. In this newsletter, we will focus on the Indochina Peninsula, also known as Mainland Southeast Asia. Mainland Southeast Asia includes the countries of Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Together, these countries are composed of 800,000 square miles and are inhabited by 250 million people. This area is part of the 10-40 window, where most of the unreached peoples of the world reside. Myanmar is about 5% Evangelical, Thailand 1%, Vietnam 2%, Cambodia 1.5%, and Laos 2.5%. Today, there is a growing Church throughout the region. Read More.