Indonesia: Encouraged by Jeremiah

“Lord, you are my strength and fortress, my refuge in the day of trouble!”

Jeremiah 16:19


In April, the Book of Jeremiah really became a comfort to me. Forty years of serving the people of Judah by conveying the Word of God, Jeremiah was, instead, considered a false prophet and no one repented. This made me realize that the maximum effort that I do, sometimes does not generate a significant number (nothing to convert), so don’t get blown away by the numbers.

A trip to East Kalimantan, with an initial agreement for ten participants to attend a seminar, ended up with only three participants, even though I was in extensive communication with the pastor for the last two months. Facing this reality, I was strengthened and comforted by what Jeremiah experienced in his ministry. Even though there were only three people who attended the seminar, I was not discouraged. Read More.