“Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink,”
Matthew 14:29-31
We learned from the Word above that Jesus walked on water to get to the boat where the disciples were. When Peter saw Jesus, Peter got out of the boat and walked on water, too, until he became afraid. This is a challenge in our lives when walking in Christ.
We, as believers, are serving a nation that rejects Christ and does not accept the gospel. We have heard and seen people around us who had accepted Christ and were persecuted regularly. Even though that has not happened to us personally, we sometimes feel like Peter felt. Just last month, a church leader was caught and went to jail. The other pastor of the church was banned from preaching and performing any religious activities by the city governor because he spreads the gospel and many follow Christ. Because of this, nine houses of newly converted Christians were torn down.
The next verse, verse 31, says that when Peter began to sink, immediately, Jesus reached out his hand and rescued Peter. May the Lord help and give us the courage to rescue our brothers, too. Read More.