Mexico: The Arnolds Taco ‘Bout It

As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.‰”
Act 13:2

Keith was invited to attend a pastoral conference, where men would be fasting and praying for three days. The conference took place on October 17-19, at a nearby camp. On Friday, they returned to fellowship and break the fast with a meal. Keith sees these opportunities as a way to expose pastors and leaders to the work that he and his team feel called to do and introduce them to the CCI curriculum. During the fast, Keith hopes to hear from the Holy Spirit, just as those in Antioch did, as he decides which individuals to devote his time to for the furtherance of the gospel and for the development of teachers and leaders who share the vision of CCI.

We started a third class at Iglesia Bautista Puerto Nuevo in Puerto Pe̱asco. Each student has expressed a genuine desire to learn how to study God‰’s word effectively to strengthen their ministry in the church. Some of the students are involved in the children’s ministries at the church.

One of the students, Sa̼l Veladis RodrÌ_guez, invited me to a men’s breakfast on the other side of town. Since he also speaks English, he has helped me with some phrases that I need to know to make me more fluent in my conversations. While meeting with new pastors that Saul has introduced me to, there seems to be an interest in the courses being taught to their congregation. Read More.