“[It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”
Psalm 118:8
Adding some color to the inside of the house was something we planned to do before we left to go to our daughter’s wedding in Florida. In fact, we bought paint to do so before
Brenda Johns came to visit in April. Since she has a sensitivity to things like paint, we opted to wait until after she left to paint. But with the wedding and all the things we were doing with promoting the classes in the churches and developing relationships, it wasn’t until now that Keith was able to find time to paint. We opted for a blue color and a darker blue for the accent wall where our TV is mounted. A good friend and missionary, Joel King, helped Keith while Jenny was in Florida keeping an eye on her father, who is recovering from a stroke. Joel owned a painting business before becoming a missionary and had all the equipment to make the job easy and successful. Keith found some bookshelves at a Segunda (second-hand store) and is now able to display books and resources that he will use to help further the Kingdom. Read More.