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Noncash Assets & Donor-Advised Funds

Multiply Your Impact with the Power of Noncash Asset Giving

Crossing Cultures International (CCI) accepts Cash and Noncash Asset gifts from various donor-advised funds (DAF) such as Fidelity Charitable and National Christian Foundation among others.

For more information on DAFs, click HERE.

Types of Noncash Assets You can Give:


  • Stocks

  • Bitcoin

  • Bonds

  • Real Estate

  • Annuities

  • Mutual funds

  • Business Percentages

  • Other diverse marketable securities

little boxes stacked on top of each other with Bonds, stocks, REITs, ETFs, mutual funds, commodities printed on boxes

Benefits of Noncash Asset Giving: 

  • Tax Benefits of a Noncash Asset Gift Saves YOU Money – By giving a noncash asset to CCI (rather than selling it, paying the taxes and giving the net proceeds), you typically receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of your gift and a capital gains tax deduction. And because you save money in taxes, you have more disposable income. Please confirm with your tax advisor, CCI cannot give tax advice.


  • More Income Allows YOU to Give More to the Mission of CCI – The tax benefits saved allow you to give more money to advance the kingdom of God and CCI’s global mission of equipping and multiplying leaders globally.   

How to give a Cash and Noncash Gift to CCI - 4 Easy Options:

1. Give through your Fidelity Charitable Account

Designate your gift to Crossing Cultures International  Acct: Z50-224928

Learn more about opening a donor-advised fund at Fidelity by clicking HERE.

2. Give through National Christian Foundation

Through a Giving Fund (donor-advised fund), you can donate cash, stocks, bonds, or other appreciated assets to Crossing Cultures International through the National Christian Foundation. To donate or learn more, click HERE.

3. Give via BitPay

Click HERE to be directed to our BitCoin donation page.

4. Call or email Glenn Kurka from Crossing Cultures International (CCI) to facilitate your gift:


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