Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
What we sow we will surely reap, because God grows the seed we have sown. The seeds that had been sown at the 2016 Teacher Training Workshop were finally reaped after 6 years had passed. A new class with 16 participants was finally opened in Gorontalo in August 2022. It seemed too late, even though there have been many follow-ups for 6 years. But God’s timing is the best time. Pray that this class can have an impact on the other two provinces; Central Sulawesi Province and North Sulawesi Province.
This is the new class in Gorontalo Province with 16 participants from 7 different denominations. I taught the first class. I am grateful for their response, although some of the participants have earned theology degrees, they admit that these lessons are very good and valuable.