Indian Subcontinent: Sharing Fruit

I have noticed different seasons when people harvest fruit. One simple fruit is the orange. The people’s reactions when you try to give them one can show us that not all oranges are the same. They may think your gift is a common and bitter orange, which is plentifully used as a jam. But that is not the case! There is one tree in our vicinity that has great oranges. We pass by the tree often, so we notice the growing fruit. Today, the tree is fully loaded! We get so many oranges off that tree. We pick the oranges to distribute them to other people and friends. They say, “These are great oranges.” Although we share, the tree is still full.

Friend, that is what a fruitful ministry is like! One that is growing and expanding. We need to share the fruit with others. There is not much of a reason to hoard an abundance of fruit. Nor should the fruit spoil on the ground due to lack of attention. Making disciples is not a common ministry, but it simply produces good fruit. I pray that you receive the fruit of the ministry with gladness! This ministry has 2,300 pastors and leaders in training. Read More