Translation & Printing Projects
Below are terms used to describe our Governance, Staff, Missionaries and Partners and their definitions.
Board of Directors (BOD) – Holds CCI accountable to fulfill its mission and vision, helps develop strategies for advancing CCI, guards financial accountability, and helps evaluate personnel.
Executive Leadership Team (ELT) – Helps make strategic decisions regarding personnel, operations, and finances in a timely manner and reports to the BODs. The ELT is composed of the President, VPs, Chairman of the Board and a Board member.
President – Oversees the overall mission and vision of CCI. Responsible to the Board of Directors.
Vice President of Corporate Operations (VPCO) – Oversees the daily administration and operation of CCI in the US and globally. Responsible to the President and Board of Directors.
Vice President of International Ministries – Oversees the Regional Directors and National Directors and their staff. Responsible to the President and Board of Directors.
Vice President of Donor Relations (VPDR) – Oversees the development of the database of all contacts, develops strategies with the marketing team to cultivate donors for greater giving to the work of CCI. Responsible to the President and Board of Directors.
Donor Relations Director – Assist the VP of Donor Relations in carrying out the duties of developing and cultivating relationship with donors for greater giving to CCI. Oversees the development of communication tools to introduce, inform and promote CCI on all social media platforms. Responsible to the VPDR.
Donor Relations Team Member – Assists the Director and Vice President of Donor Relations. Responsible to the VPDR and DR Director.
Administrative Assistant to VPCO – Assist the VP of Corporate Operations in carrying out administrative duties. Responsible to the VPCO.
Administrative Assistant to the President – Assist the President in carrying out the administrative duties. Responsible to the President.
Bookkeeper – Oversees the logging of donations to CCI and receipting donors. Responsible to the VPCO.
Accountant – Oversees the daily finances of CCI. Responsible to the VPCO.
Regional Director (RD) – Oversees a region of the world and the National Directors and Country Coordinators of those countries.
National Director – Oversees a country which has Regional and Area Coordinators. Responsible to Regional Director or VPCO if there is no RD.
Country Coordinator – Oversees a country which has no other coordinators. Responsible to Regional Director or VPCO if there is no RD.
Regional Coordinator – Oversees a region of a country and is responsible to the National Director.
Area/State/Provincial/Departments Coordinator – Oversees an area, state, division, department, or province of a country and is responsible to the Regional Coordinator.
Coordinator of Church Planting - Provides special church-planting training in various countries.
TTW Workshop Facilitator – A Certified CCI Teacher who works with an Area Coordinator to help lead the workshop, teach part of the BTCP curriculum and follows up the participants to encourage them to start new classes. This person must be approved by the National Director because he has demonstrated giftedness and passion for training leaders.
Certified CCI Trainer - A person who has successfully attended the Teacher Training Workshop (TTW) and has committed to the ministry philosophy, statement of faith, and training curriculum of CCI. This person is certified to teach the CCI curriculum and can help promote the CCI ministry and is willing to travel and teach courses around the world. He helps train more trainers. He is responsible to the President and North American Director and must be evaluated annually.
Teacher – A person who has successfully attended the Teacher Training Workshop (TTW) and has committed to the ministry philosophy, statement of faith, and training curriculum of CCI. This person must be evaluated and approved by the Area Coordinator and show that he is an effective teacher of the materials.
Student – A person enrolled in CCI classes.
Ministry Partner – A church or organization which has signed the partnership agreement, attended the TTW, and is using the BTCP or other CCI curriculum.
Host for TTWs – A church or organization that host a TTW. The host is responsible to provide the facility and logistical needs, meals and snacks. It is best if the host can help with the honorarium and travel expenses for the TTW Facilitator. A budget will be established between the Host church and TTW Facilitator. Must have at least 15 pastoral leaders committed to come before a workshop will be scheduled.
Ministry Champion – Anyone who promotes, invests financially, prays and cares about the advancement of CCI.
Prayer Advocates/Intercessor – A person who commits to pray regularly for CCI. They receive weekly emails with updated prayer request and praises.
Newsletter Recipient – Anyone who receives the monthly email newsletter.
Donor – An individual, church, business or anyone who financially supports the ministry and staff of CCI.