Impacting Communities for Christ
“Effective” means not merely doing activities but making a true impact and bringing change to the ministry and community. In Acts 19:11-20, Paul’s church planting led to the name of Jesus being held in high honor. Similarly, our aim is effective local church ministry.
On October 15th, we held a training session on God’s Financial Principles at the Church of the Divine Mercy in Chonburi Province, Thailand. This session brought together CCI classes from neighboring provinces. We’re grateful for this essential topic, which emphasizes that our finances are inseparable from our Christian life. Obedience to God and the awareness that all we possess belongs to Him as stewards was a key theme. This training awakened a deep understanding that God calls us to live rightly in our work, family, and finances, putting Him first. The session brought unity within the CCI family, from students to coordinators, as Pastor Mana, Pastor Apichat, and two others presented. Students were blessed and challenged, and many were inspired to embrace these principles in their lives. Read More