Thailand: Never Stop Growing & Expanding

We praise to God for our CCI Thailand Coordinators meeting on March 9-11 in Chiang Mai. We planned mission outreach programs and how to provide Teacher Training Workshops (TTW), God’s Financial Principles seminars (GFP) and other training and CCI tools for community leadership development in local churches.

Praise God, although some of the coordinators were unable to attend due to the impact of the Covid pandemic, that this meeting went well and we achieved satisfactory results. Because of this time that we have spent together, we progressed as one and helped each other in organizing training. The CCI mission is a powerful tool that can strengthen and grow local churches.

And we praise God for this most special meeting with an additional mission statement from the CCI President, Dr. David Nelson. We are encouraged and reinforced with the ultimate goal of effective ministry of the Lord from our CCI president.

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