First of all, I would like to thank God for having the opportunity to meet the most important teacher in my life: Dr David Nelson (president of CCI). He led me to formulate the mission of increasing the CCI mission for harvesting and developing effective leaders in Thailand. The example of humility as a person who is faithful to service was passed on to me and I have passed that on to many leaders in my country. If we take the example that Paul taught Timothy and how Jesus taught the 12 disciples by example and passing on, I believe that many servants of God and leaders will have many more faithful and working servants around the world. Thank you for your contribution and the development of many leaders in Thailand.
Praise God that we spent time together with our teachers and CCI coordinators across the country. We are greatly blessed by sharing the Word of God on the topic of The Cross Before the Crown: Seven Pictures of Christian Leadership (CBTC). This is a very interesting and important topic for workers of God. It teaches us to have a clear goal of doing our duty faithfully and with a clear goal that in the future we will be glorified and crowned with the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ for our service in the world.