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Used in Multiple Ways

CCI training can be utilized in several ways to help people gain equipping in the Word of God, theology and practical ministry skills. Here are some examples.


North American Churches can use the CCI curriculum in several ways.

  • Churches can use the CCI curriculum to train the core leaders who serve in various ministries of the church.
  • The church can train perspective missionaries for overseas service.
  • The church can train immigrant pastors from other cultures and countries who live in their area.
  • The church can provide training for pastors and church leaders in other countries with whom they have a relationship.

Pastors and Church leaders in the Developing World.

Most pastors throughout the developing world have had little or no formal training in the Bible, theology or practical ministry skills. They are very open to began teaching false doctrines. CCI is working in 41 countries, providing training through indigenous staff in the local language of the people. Certified trainers and teachers from the U.S. go to provide training to these key trainers in one- week block classes. Once you become a certified teacher you could be part of the team who helps provide this training in other countries.

Teacher Training Workshops

This is CCI’s mission to help equip church leaders who can teach others. 

CCI provides this training initially by partnering with a group of pastors, churches, missionaries and organizations to host a Teacher Training Workshop (TTW) in the area closest to where the partners are centrally located.

The TTW is a two-day training event focused on training pastors and church leaders who would take what they have learned and go teach it to others in their local and global context. CCI uses the comprehensive training materials of the Bible Training Centre for Pastors’ (BTCP) curriculum as a foundation. The 10 courses include 520 “in class” hours and another 200 hours “out of class” doing assignments and reading through the Bible. We also provide training on God’s Financial Principles, teaching how to be a good steward of the resources God has entrusted to you. We provide training for sermon preparation through the Seminar on Advanced Expository Preaching, helping you understand the text in the context of the time and culture it was written and then, how to make relevant application for today. Periodic ongoing training events are available.

For more information or to learn about a TTW in your area, contact training@cciequip.org


Church leaders in North America and other countries around the world can become certified to teach the CCI curriculum by attending the TTW and meeting the requirements as a partner with CCI, in order to train and equip others.