Translation & Printing Projects


Translation projects include the translation of about 3,000 pages of CCI’s 12 course curriculum into local languages where pastors and church leaders are being trained. Most pastors do not have access to training materials in their own language. We thank God for providing excellent translators who know English well and do the tedious work of making the training materials understandable. These 12 courses provide a sustainable, discipleship model of training for the growing church in the following countries.

Your gift of any amount is important to help equip pastors who are multiplying the Word of God to many people. Click on the translation you would like to help be completed.

Urgently Needed

Indian Sub-Continent Printing: India (Punjabi), Pakistan (Urdu), Bangladesh (Bengali) Nepal (Nepali) - $8,000 URGENT

We have translated the 10 courses of BTCP curriculum in several languages for India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. Now, we need the funds to print 200 copies of each course so the trainers who are teaching classes will have these courses readily available. Thank you for making a generous gift to get this printed immediately.

Still Needed

Expository Preaching Seminars – $10,000

This seminar is one of the 12 courses. This course helps pastors learn how to understand the Scripture in the original context and prepare messages that can related the Word with relevance for application today. We are currently translating the course for use in the Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Fiji and Laos.

Urgently Needed

Printing General - $25,000

Thousands of training materials are printed yearly for all the language groups. Your gift will help print the training materials as needed. Thank you for your generous gift to get the materials into the hands of those studying with CCI.

Still Needed

Indian Sub-Continent Translations (Urdu, Bengali, Nepali) - $800 each translation

We praise the Lord Jesus Christ for a completed translation of the 10 BTCP Courses in the Punjabi Language! Also, funds have been donated in order to translate the CCI training materials for expanded growth and ministry.

The following are the key CCI training materials still needing to be translated into Urdu (Pakistan), Bengali (Bangladesh), and Nepali (Nepal).

  • God's Financial Principles
  • Advanced Expository Preaching
  • Resolving Conflict in a Godly Way

The cost per language is only $800 each. You can leave a permanent mark by choosing to donate for any one of the translations. We praise God for the growth of pastors and leaders as God gives us grace to carry out the task of making disciples.

Translation Projects General - $5,000

As new training seminars and courses are added to our training curriculum, they need to be translated into all the language groups. Your gift will help get these new seminar and course materials translated. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of so many people as they study the Word in their own language.

We praise the Lord Jesus Christ for these fully funded projects!

Albanian translation – $25,000

As a result of the communist regime, Albania was left in poverty, with people struggling to survive. Churches are small and pastors do not have the resources to study the Bible and train their people.

Creole translation – $20,000

This project is critical to finish. Several of the courses have been completed. However, we still have more than half of the courses remaining to be translated for use in Haiti.

North Thailand Translations (Kachin, Karen, Lisu language groups) – $3,600

A translation team is still working on these courses and should be finished in 2021.