
Dr. David Nelson's Books
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Multiply: Building an Enduring Ministry
God has not only created us with the ability to multiply through having children, he has also given us the power to multiply disciples who multiply disciples through the preaching of the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit. In Genesis and Acts, we read how God enabled man to multiply biologically and spiritually. We read how the number of disciples greatly increased and multiplied during the era of the early church. In his book, Dr. David Nelson, explains eight principles for building a ministry of multiplication. These biblically based principles will empower you to see a solid ministry that will grow into a ministry that multiplies disciple makers.
All Proceeds go to CCI.

Philippians: Standing Together for the Advance of the Gospel
Dr. David Nelson's biblical commentary on Philippians challenges the reader to look outside of one's self (a consumer mentality), and, instead, engage the mind of Christ in order to cultivate unity, as the body of Christ, working together to advance the gospel.
This book reveals Paul’s heart to sacrifice at all costs for the gospel for the glory of God so that the nations may rejoice. During his first Roman imprisonment, the Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Philippi and encouraged them to be of one mind and take on the mind of Christ. Unity within the body is attained when its members choose to emulate Christ's selfless humility, whereas self-ambition leads to conflict. When a church becomes inward-focused due to conflict, its outward focus to advance the gospel is stifled. Reading Paul’s letter as a missionary “thank you” letter reveals much about how we should live today.
Dr. Nelson’s approach to the Book of Philippians focuses on unity, the gospel, reaching the nations, and the glory of God. The commentary can be used as a personal Bible study or in a group setting. At the end of each section are discussion questions to motivate us to live as a biblical community for the glory of God.
All Proceeds go to CCI.

A Commentary on Colossians: Living Under the Supremacy and Sufficiency of the Lord Jesus Christ
Dr. David Nelson. His Commentary on Colossians focuses on what it means to live under the kingdom reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In his letter to Colossae, the Apostle Paul presents Christ as the focal person of:
- Our personal walk with God
- Our fellowship with our local Bible-believing assembly
- Our healthy family life and work relationships
- Our effective witness to the world
False teachers had corrupted the teaching about Christ by presenting him as one means as a mediator to God and introduced a system of philosophical speculative arguments and ascetic practices that would lead believers astray from the simple truth of the Gospel. Christ is supreme in creation, the church, our personal lives, the family, our work, and in the world.
When Christ reigns supreme in our lives, our church, our family, and our workplace, we experience His peace and presence, transforming us into His image. This enables us to fulfill His mission of making disciples of all nations.
Dr. Nelson approaches Colossians from a homiletical standpoint—offering the reader a systemic study and practical applications. Principles and truths are drawn out from the passages of Colossians, showing how the truth of what Paul wrote impacts our lives today. The commentary can be used as a personal Bible study or in a group setting. At the end of each section are discussion questions to motivate us to become more Christlike every day.