Nepal: Building The Lord’s Church

The Lord has given us the ministry to equip and empower the churches of Nepal. Since 2016, CCI has been making a significant impact. We are furnishing and polishing the Church in Nepal. Many church leaders and pastors never had the chance to learn the Word of God formally or non-formally, especially those in remote areas. They have a great heart to learn, but their situation and ministry did not allow them outside their district.

Now, CCI Nepal helps them learn many things, supports them, and helps their ministry flourish. The people don‰’t have to leave their family and ministry to receive this training. Our qualified trainer travels to other locations and spends several days teaching and helping them understand God‰’s Word. CCI Nepal is impacting church administration, preaching, and teaching, as well as giving clarity to leaders‰’ spiritual lives, affecting the entire congregation. As a result, the Church is growing in number. Read More